PO Box 80927 – Lincoln, NE 68501
About Ground Clearance LLC
Ground Clearance is the lien search company designed to help the heavy equipment industry do the best job possible at verifying debt whether buying, selling, brokering, auctioning, or holding equipment as collateral. We also file liens which is important if you rent out your inventory or sell equipment on PMSI.
No one wants their equipment deal to end up as a liability. Ground Clearance helps you gain the peace of mind to move forward on your equipment deals.
Let us know how we can help.
The future of Ground Clearance:
Finding a partner or two to assist in growth and investment strategies.
Ground Clearance is here to help the industry become trustworthy and reliable for every business involved.
With a passion for seeing businesses in the heavy equipment industry have a solution to the ongoing challenge of clean deals Ground Clearance launched in 2009 and has gained influence with companies seeking this same goal.
If your company is interested in discussing growth strategies, please give Sue a call 402-484-5071 or e-mail Sue@GroundClearanceLLC.com to set up a time to visit.
About Sue McKee-Neill
Sue McKee-Neill the President of Ground Clearance.
With a passion to see businesses in the heavy equipment industry have a solution to the ongoing challenge of clean deals, Ground Clearance launched in 2009 and has gained influence with companies seeking this same goal. With 22+ years in the equipment industry, the commitment remains the same.
Sue works hard to see Ground Clearance remains stable and relevant for those she serves. Sue focuses on the equipment industry solely and its goal is to see this industry become trustworthy and reliable for every business involved. Ground Clearance has grown with these principles in mind. The researchers and support staff understand the purpose.
Growing along the lines of a full-service lien search company, every aspect of researching UCCs, tax liens, and civil judgments, and filing UCCs gives every customer a place to call for every need possible.