One simple lien search form can help you do business better
Ground Clearance provides UCC and tax lien searches & UCC filings in the U.S. and UCC search and filing in Canada. Liens are filed on the owner. In Canada serial number searches are possible but not tin the United States.
We will help you understand the information you receive and what you can and cannot do with it. You can even hire us to get the releases, payoffs, and terminations.
We are here to help.
It all starts with the Search Request Form.
Ground Clearance helps sellers by verifying the debt (or absence of debt) before placing your equipment for sale.
Having a lien search conducted ahead of selling will create a better relationship between you and your buyer.
Contact us with your questions.
There are many options available to rent or lease out your idle inventory. Whether you rent on your own or use a platform/service, security is important.
Having a lien filed can protect you from having the equipment sold out from under you. We will terminate the lien at the end of the term.
You only need the Request to File form.
You have the customer who wants you to do a lien search for a piece of equipment they might buy but they don’t have the sellers name quite right.
Whose liability is it if it goes wrong and a filing is missed?
Utilizing Ground Clearance lien search services can relieve your liability and allows your staff to do the rest of their job.
Win win.
Ground Clearance provides the lien search & filing services to prevent the seller’s secured creditors from popping up later. Stop putting ot fires and get the lien search done ahead of the sale. We keep the seller anonymous from the buyer.
A Lien Search Request form is submitted by you.
The secured creditor payoffs or releases are provided by the seller – or you can hire Ground Clearance to do the due diligence for you.
Upon request, documentation on the equipment is provided to the buyer with out the seller’s information.
Let us know how we can help you.
Ground Clearance is the lien search company created for the heavy equipment industry to help verify debt whether buying, selling, brokering, auctioning, or holding equipment as collateral. It starts with one simple lien search request form.
We also work with the rental/leasing part of the industry. Having a lien filed when you rent out your inventory can keep it from being sold out from under you. The lien filing form has start and end dates. We will terminate the lien at the end of the period after confirming the unit(s) returned.
No one wants their deal to end up as a liability. Ground Clearance helps you gain the peace of mind to move forward on your equipment deals, or run from them when necessary. Need extra help with getting the payoffs, releases, and terminations? Ground Clearance could be your full service lien search department. We can retrieve the filings and work with your customers and their creditors to get any necessary payoffs or releases. Check out the blog article and call a for more information.
We provide UCC, tax lien, and civil judgment searches and lien filing nationwide in the U.S., and UCC searches & filings in Canada. In the United States liens are filed by debtor name, not by serial number. We work with N.E.R (National Equipment Register AKA IronCheck). NER data mines from the insurance industry and national crime databases. They will check to see if the unit(s) has had an insurance claim or listed as stolen and/or recovered.